Monday, November 26, 2012

Here is what it looked like at Los Limones (our outdoor site) the day the kids had a chance to paint. These are really cool things that come with a paint palette. With wet Q-tips, the kids are able to paint their pictures. This is the first time we ever attempted this, and it worked out pretty well. You'll notice that the kids are kneeling on the ground and using their chairs like a desk. Doesn't seem too comfortable to me, but they didn't complain a bit!
Enjoying a few minutes of quiet in my classroom at the church, after the kids have left for the day! Hanging in the background is the unity chain that the kids made.
Sunday Nov. 11th was Confirmation Sunday in Gualan. 11 youth made their confirmation, and there was quite a celebration! Beautiful flowers decorated the church, the youth were very dressed up, and afterwards there was a luncheon attended by many people. All in all, it was a great celebration! Pastor Jasinto is great with the youth and really knows how to get them motivated.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
It was great fun to take these volcano pictures from my balcony of the Barcelo Hotel in Guatemala City. It was a little surreal! They are active volcanos, and fortunately at this time they weren't erupting.
Cheryl's "little guys" enjoyed decorating cardboard figures that represented themselves. On the first day, we like to have the kids decorate something and put their names on it. These came out great and were really colorful in her room.
Here is a 3-time VBS-er, Gary Tate, working on balloon animals to pass out to some of the kids. We were surprised to find that our translator (Renato) had also had experience with balloon animals. Together they made a variety of balloons to pass out at the church site and at Los Limones ( our outdoor site).
Gary is also our puppeteer. Here he is with one of our favorite friends, "Bluesy". Their awesome sunglasses were compliments of the Eyeglass Team.
We had a great VBS with our small team of 4 people from the U.S. Our local Guatemalan helpers went above and beyond the call of duty, and it was a great thing to see the youth of the church step up and become better and better leaders. A Guatemalan translator in each classroom completed our powerhouse team! Taking pictures is hard to do when things are happening so quickly and the teams are so small, but here are a few images to start!
Here are the runners that my students colored. The sub-theme of the VBS was an Olympics theme, and the VBS was "Champions of Faith", published by Concordia Publishing. The lessons were all very enjoyable and teachable, and it was fun to see the kids being challenged and growing in their faith.
Everyone in my class decorated a notebook. The kids get really into this and enjoy using all different types of markers and foamies which are things that are not readily available in Guatemala. They were then able to use their notebooks to record the daily Bible verses and mini assignments that they had in class. The highest number of kids in my class was 38, and it was pretty chaotic to have that many in one room at the same time! The above picture also shows a cross that kids decorated with "jewels" and glitter glue.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
And here is our friend and brother in Christ who makes it possible for us to experience VBS in Guatemala. Pastor Jasinto is here with his wife Nanci and their 3 sons. He works so hard to make the VBS successful, and we are so thankful to be able to share in this important event of his congregation. He is a great organizer, and we have learned so much from him and Nanci. His sons are (back row) Luis Antonio and (front row) Luis Alberto and Luis Jose. I think when we did our first VBS in 2008, we thought this would probably be a one-time thing. We look forward to going back every year and are excited that 2012 will be our 5th year of what we hope will be many more years to come doing VBS in Gualan. We are humbled and feel privileged that the congregation entrusts their children to us.
What a fun thing to see that our youth helpers are kids that we were teaching when we first went to Gualan in 2007 for our first construction trip. It's a great thing to see how they are growing in their faith, and now they are becoming leaders. They helped out with the songs, did a skit teaching one of the lessons one day, and helped out in the classrooms.
Carol and Karen's class. Check out the cool sun hanging on the wall. Each "arm" of the sun has one of the kids' names on it. Very fun!
Sharolyn & Nancy's class. It was quite a big group. The kids have their Zip loc bags that have all their "treasures" that they worked on during the week.
On the last day, a couple kids stayed after class to have their picture taken with Nancy & Sharolyn.
Here is Lindy with her translator Renato (at Los Limones).
Sindy was Lindy's translator for one day. She did a great job!
Sindy and Jenny (translator for the "little guys" group).
Sharolyn hugging some of her students and saying good bye.
Nancy hugging one of her students.
Sharolyn & Nancy's class. It was quite a big group. The kids have their Zip loc bags that have all their "treasures" that they worked on during the week.
On the last day, a couple kids stayed after class to have their picture taken with Nancy & Sharolyn.
Here is Lindy with her translator Renato (at Los Limones).
Sindy was Lindy's translator for one day. She did a great job!
Sindy and Jenny (translator for the "little guys" group).
Sharolyn hugging some of her students and saying good bye.
Nancy hugging one of her students.
Two students as they leave with all their projects from the week. I discovered that I didn't have a class picture of Lindy's group. We'll do better next year. (sorry!)
The kids were fascinated by all the cutting and clipping Sharolyn did as she taught the lesson about Saul. They loved seeing the hearts that folded out at the very end of the story. It was something very colorful and fun for them!

Due to the huge number of kids at Los Limones, we need to keep our crafts very simple. This year they had coloring pages, a stained glass cross, and Noah's Ark sticker sheets.
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