Sunday, July 18, 2010


Hard to believe that the trip we had been planning for our "inaugural" eyeglass trip has come and gone. And what a team we had. We really were able to step up to the plate and hit a home run for God. Some of our numbers for the mission trip were as follows:

--Saw a total of 814 people over the 4 clinic days.
--Dispensed 603 total pairs of glasses.
--293 pairs were the "Harry Potter" style round glasses and 310 were readers.
--On our short work day, we went to 2 tent style camps that had been set up after Tropical Depression Agatha hit the area, and we distributed bags of food to over 150 families. The bags contained rice, beans, sugar, flour, cereal, tuna, sardines, t.p., powdered milk, and many other items. Families with small babies received jars of baby food and extra powdered milk.
--Trinity Roselle donated an amazingly generous $5,000+ to be used for food, shoes, and any other necessities that we saw.
--We paid for new school uniforms for the 18 students at the Lutheran School whose families had lost everything. People cried when Pastor Jasinto announced this at a parent meeting.

I was too busy on this trip to take pictures, but as soon as I get pictures from some of my team-
mates, I will post a few. We are already beginning to work on stuff for the upcoming November trip. That will be a combined group of VBS and Eyeglass.

The blog ticker shows only 111 more days 'til the next trip!