Sunday, April 22, 2012


Carol and Karen's class.  Check out the cool sun hanging on the wall.  Each "arm" of the sun has one of the kids' names on it.  Very fun!
Sharolyn & Nancy's class.  It was quite a big group.  The kids have their Zip loc bags that have all their "treasures" that they worked on during the week.
On the last day, a couple kids stayed after class to have their picture taken with Nancy & Sharolyn.
Here is Lindy with her translator Renato (at Los Limones).
Sindy was Lindy's translator for one day.  She did a great job!
Sindy and Jenny (translator for the "little guys" group).
Sharolyn hugging some of her students and saying good bye.
Nancy hugging one of her students.
Two students as they leave with all their projects from the week.  I discovered that I didn't have a class picture of Lindy's group.  We'll do better next year. (sorry!)