Sunday, June 5, 2011
The blog ticker just keeps on going, so it's time for some brainstorming. What a team we have this year! From left to right - Dolores Brei, Sharolyn Sander, Carol Jessen, Karen Pautsch, and Lindy Neukuckatz. I'm taking the picture (Nancy Blase). There's so much to think about and so much work to do, but what fun work it is!
While we're talking, Sharolyn is getting ready to show us how you cut paper and make a tree.
We're not sure if we really believe her - but we'll see!
Hey wait a minute! It's for real! We think the kids will get such a kick out of this. What a great opportunity to share God's love with kids who have so little. When we were told to "teach all nations", I'm sure this is what God meant!
Oh yes, and I forgot another group member. One of this year's stories is the "Wayward Woman", so we have our very own wayward woman! (Just kidding, but we did get a laugh out of her!)
Our first VBS with the Resurrection Lutheran Church in Gualan took place in 2008. I don't think we ever realized that it would become an annual thing that we do with them, but we are very happy to have this opportunity to work with them. We are so fortunate that they have invited us back every year since! Bible stories, crowns, sticker sheets, crosses, songs, crafts, skits, puppets -- such fun! May we use it all to God's glory! Amen!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Couldn't resist posting these cute little dresses. There's an organization called Little Dresses for Africa. These dresses are made out of about a yard of fabric, and there's another version called a Pillowcase Dress made out of (you guessed it!) pillowcases.
Right away the wheels started turning in my head -- "Ok, if these are good dresses for Africa, wouldn't these be good for the little girls at Los Limones?" Some of them come to VBS in very tacky or ill-fitting dresses.
These were made by my friend Denise. Didn't they turn out great?! I feel a "dressathon" coming up some time in the future!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Well, the blog ticker says 260 more days 'til VBS as of today. Time to start thinking about the November 2011 trip. This year's VBS is entitled Operation Rescue (Operacion Rescate). There is an emphasis on taking care of our planet, and I think the kids will really enjoy it. I prepared this display board for Missions Weekend at church and included a few photos of last year.

Sunday, February 13, 2011
Every year we do a "Guess the _____" contest. This year it was Guess the Animal Crackers, and we chose a boy and a girl winner. They both came pretty close to the correct number which was 264. The winners get a bag full of prizes. This year they received frosted animal crackers, a wooden cross craft, a rubber bracelet, and a few other things. The kids seem to really enjoy this. The boy (David) was from my class, and the girl was from the little guys class.

Sunday, January 23, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
This photo album personalized with Smilebox |
This was my first attempt at a Smilebox. It was a lot of fun! Just click on it, and after a little bit of advertising, you'll see a bunch of pictures.
Here's Karen teaching the little ones at church. Today the good news train went to Antarctica, so their class learned about what it's like to live in a cold climate. Jennie (at the right) is the English teacher at the school. Although the temperature in Gualan was probably in the 90's, Karen is putting on a scarf, a warm hat, and mittens!
Here's Karen in her "get up", and she and Carol are getting ready to have a "snowball" fight. These snowballs were made out of styrofoam though!

Here's one of my favorites -- Carmelina! She was in my class at the church, so I was surprised to see her at Los Limones too. She's a really sweet girl, and I remember her from our very first trip to Gualan in 2006. At the 2008 VBS, she was the winner of our raffle. This was the second year she was in my class at church, and I really enjoyed her. Sweet kid!
Here's Cheryl with Pastor Jasinto. Notice the house they are in front of. These were provisional houses that were built by Central American Lutheran Mission Society after people lost their homes in Tropical Depression Agatha.
Stickers are really popular at Los Limones. Since our Good News Train made a visit to Africa, we decided that a safari sticker page would be a fun idea.

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Here are a few photos at Los Limones, our outdoor VBS site. The team is passing out snacks as the kids leave. It can get pretty chaotic!
These guys are sitting on the ground coloring their little booklets that tell the story of Elijah and the Widow. They are wearing crowns that we passed out to each kid that day. Love the one kid's upside down crown. Just now I noticed the red t-shirt person. Looks like the stomach of someone who is malnourished!
How about this little guy who looks like he's all dressed up in his Sunday best for VBS? Notice that most of the other kids sitting in the front row don't have shoes. I think this was taken on our last day, when we had 314 people attend! Wow! The kids kept arriving earlier and earlier so they would be able to get a seat...More photos to come as I get them from my team members. I took very few pictures this year, unfortunately!

Here's Karen, Me, and Lindy in the airport on the way to Guatemala.
Cheryl, Carol, Lindy, and Karen. Cheryl was on the Eyeglass Team, but we joined up for a couple of activities during the week.
Here's our VBS team of 4 at the church in Gualan. Carol, Me (Nancy), Lindy, and Karen.

Here are a few photos of Lindy's kids doing their crafts. They look like they're having fun! A simple craft is so much fun for them.

Every day started out with singing songs as a big group in the church. The kids really took to the songs this year and enjoyed the theme of the Good News Train that went to 5 continents sharing the Gospel. Pastor Jasinto really knows how to get the kids motivated with the singing. His wife Nancy comes up with the hand motions for the kids to learn. If you wanted them to, the kids would probably sing for hours! They love it!

Here are a few photos of Lindy's kids doing their crafts. They look like they're having fun! A simple craft is so much fun for them.

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