Here are a few photos at Los Limones, our outdoor VBS site. The team is passing out snacks as the kids leave. It can get pretty chaotic!

These guys are sitting on the ground coloring their little booklets that tell the story of Elijah and the Widow. They are wearing crowns that we passed out to each kid that day. Love the one kid's upside down crown. Just now I noticed the red t-shirt person. Looks like the stomach of someone who is malnourished!

How about this little guy who looks like he's all dressed up in his Sunday best for VBS? Notice that most of the other kids sitting in the front row don't have shoes. I think this was taken on our last day, when we had 314 people attend! Wow! The kids kept arriving earlier and earlier so they would be able to get a seat...More photos to come as I get them from my team members. I took very few pictures this year, unfortunately!