Wednesday, May 2, 2007


I think that God really blessed our efforts during the week we were in Gualan to do construction. Our team t-shirts said "Building lives on the solid rock". Even though the school didn't look like much of a school at this point, it was a great feeling to know that we were being the hands of Jesus during this trip. Many kids will benefit from having a Lutheran school in Gualan. In addition to that, it will be a great tool for Pastor Jasinto to use in the evangelism work of Iglesia Luterana la Resurreccion and will help kids to build their lives on the solid rock.

I love the sign above that we saw at a public school in Guatemala. It translates "The children of Guatemala are the seed of hope". We know that the Lutheran school will take this even one step further when they teach the kids that their hope comes from believing in Jesus.

Ephesians 2:10 We are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do.