Monday, Nov. 10th at Resurrection Church -- Today's story was Noah's Ark. After hearing the story and doing some fun singing (led by Pastor Jasinto), we broke up into three different age groups.
All groups worked on a rainbow craft. It was really colorful with
beads and ribbons and the saying "GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES".

It was a little difficult for some of the younger ones, but with some extra help, they did just fine.

Below is one of our wonderful translators (Karla) helping out with the craft.

Here is Karen with one of her students.

Here we are in the youngest group. The Noah's Ark sticker pages were used only in the younger group and were quite a hit.

The kids did a good job putting all the "two by two" animals on their pages. They were all smiles as they did their peeling and sticking!

This is Mayra.

Kevin is having fun!