Saturday, March 7, 2009
A very important part of the 4th day of the VBS was a hygiene talk that was given both at church and at Los Limones. The nurse of our group (Dolores) talked to the kids about the importance of hand washing, hair washing, teeth brushing, coughing and sneezing properly, and she also gave them a little information about nutrition.
To try to make things a little more visual and a little more fun, Dolores used a big set of teeth and a mega toothbrush while she demonstrated how to brush one's teeth. Gary helped out by using the dragon puppet (who talked about his big teeth and the importance of teeth brushing).
The kids were really paying attention during the talk, and we could tell that possibly they had heard some of this information -- perhaps in school, in their homes, or from other mission groups that have visited.
And most importantly, that day when the kids left, they all received a Zip loc bag that contained a card with a Bible verse, a toothbrush, tooth paste, a packet of Kleenex, a bar of soap, and a small bottle of shampoo. The above six young ladies have just received their hygiene kits.
Here are three kids from Resurrection Church who are showing off their new tooth brushes that were donated by a Chicago area dentist. We were most fortunate to have received donations of almost all of the items that were needed for the hygiene kits. We were humbled and overwhelmed by the generosity of several co-workers of VBS team members, the congregation of Trinity Roselle, LWML members and Trinity's Women's Ministry, and several local area dentists.