Sunday, March 8, 2009


I'm so happy that we were able to leave behind banners that will be enjoyed by the congregation at Resurrection Church and will serve as a reminder of the great friendship that has developed between our two congregations. Here is the banner made by Trinity Roselle students saying "Good luck with your new school". The pastor decided to leave this hanging in the church on one of the side walls until the opening of the school.
Karen and Gary worked with the 9-11 age group, and after studying the lesson of Paul and the importance of spreading our faith, their class made this banner that says "Jesus loves me. I can tell others of his love".
I also like the idea that after the VBS is over Friday, when the congregation comes to church on Sunday, they see visual reminders of the different things the kids have learned.
Here our translator (Ilse, on the right) is assisting Cheryl as she presents a cloth banner that she made with the Bible verse "Let the little children come to me..." Matthew 19:14.