Saturday, March 7, 2009


Dancing is a very important part of the Hispanic culture, and our group really LOVED to dance! Plus at a young age, the littler ones are so uninhibited. Even Pastor Jasinto's wife Nanci got in on the fun with us and danced the Bunny Hop!
Here I am dying of the heat teaching them how to do the Bunny Hop. Although we didn't do much dancing, it was a good way to take a little break and have the kids get the "wiggles" out after they'd been sitting for awhile.

I don't have any pictures of it, but another favorite was the Hokey Pokey. That also provided a great opportunity to throw in a little English lesson naming things such as "arm, foot, elbow", etc.
As you can see, there are lots of smiles everywhere while we're dancing. It made me think of the idea that if you know that you are assured of your salvation, there should be nothing BUT dancing!
And here is the favorite of all -- the Chicken Dance!