One of the things you'll see during Lenten celebrations in Antigua is the famous carpets made out of flowers. When you get an "up close" look, you can see that the edges are made out of carrots, radishes, pineapples, cabbage, and different kinds of melons. You can't see that when you're standing really far back, but up close it's fascinating. This one is in the cathedral on the main square.
The Lutheran school in Gualan, Guatemala that Trinity Roselle helped to build has started its fourth school year. This is my story of the odyssey and many experiences along the way in the exquisitely beautiful country of Guatemala. I hope you enjoy reading about my mission team members from Trinity Lutheran Church of Roselle, IL. The adventures continue with our Eyeglass Ministry 501(c)3 See to Read - Read to See. Also the Lutheran School continues to grow and as of January, 2013 will have 3 new classrooms on their 2nd floor!